Deep red, crisp leaves, hot chocolate, dark nights, duvets, and some of my favourite seasonal flowers.
I’ll just mention a couple to keep your eye out for.
Cymbidium Orchids are at their best right now. These long stems with waxy, cheeky faced, ultra structured flowers staggered along are often overlooked due to their price tag. However, as a huge fan, I must inform you of their appeal to me. They last forever! I expect an Orchid stem to last around six weeks in my house. I love to keep them simple and just add a few structured leaves and looped grasses to frame the stem – high impact, simple and stunning.
Chrysanthemum Blooms. Yes they are known as ‘All Year Round’, and yes they are indeed available all year round. However! During Autumn they are in season in the UK and English Blooms are the best you will see. Enormous heads made from thousands upon thousands of layered curved petals and the distinctive woody smell make these flowers informal and friendly. I love putting three stems and a big handful of large leafed foliage like Salal in a country jug in my kitchen – bliss!
Brassica (Cabbages!) These are so much fun! ‘Are those cabbages?’ Oh yessirree! Available naturally in white and purple or dyed to vivid cerise or bright tangerine, Brassica are big, long lasting and with their Rose-esque shape quite popular once accepted as a flower rather than Sunday Roast accompaniment. I love them grouped with something bright and fluffy and a couple of big Gerbera in a chunky square vase – Oooh arrrr!