Monstera Delicosa plant


Monstera Delicosa plant, otherwise known as the Swiss cheese plant.

approximately 15” in height and comes with a lovely blue and white ceramic pot.

To care for this plant it will need bright or lightly shaded place, a few feet away from the window. Keep out of direct sunlight. Water once the top of the soil is dry and feed once a month in spring and summer.

Wipe the leaves occasionally to clear them of dust and mist them occasionally.



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Monstera Delicosa plant, otherwise known as the Swiss cheese plant.

approximately 15” in height and comes with a lovely blue and white ceramic pot.

To care for this plant it will need bright or lightly shaded place, a few feet away from the window. Keep out of direct sunlight. Water once the top of the soil is dry and feed once a month in spring and summer.

Wipe the leaves occasionally to clear them of dust and mist them occasionally.


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